Add the pivotal_tracker connector on your Zenaton dashboard,
enter the credentials and authorize Zenaton to call the pivotal_tracker API from your workflows.
Then add code snippet and URL path to your workflow.
const { workflow } = require("zenaton")
module.exports = workflow("MyWorkflow", function* () {
const pivotal_tracker = this.connector(
const response = yield pivotal_tracker.get('path_to_API')
const params = {body: {param1: '...'}}
yield'path_to_API', params)
We handle the complexity of orchestrating Pivotal Tracker API calls and related logic in your code.
Add the connector to your Zenaton workflow and we manage the authentication, oauth1 and oauth2 flow including token refreshing.
If your Pivotal Tracker API call fails, it can automatically be retried and you will receive an alert with error details.
View the Zenaton dashboard for execution history, scheduled tasks, errors and logs or retry failed Pivotal Tracker API calls.
The Zenaton connector is a pre-configured task for calling the Pivotal Tracker API inside your workflow with one line of code. Build custom integration logic by adding a workflow directly into your application using the functions in the Zenaton SDK.
// The Zenaton engine orchestrates pivotal tracker API calls and related logic via the Zenaton agent. Every step is executed at the right moment on your servers and monitored on Zenaton dashboard.
const { workflow } = require("zenaton");
// pivotal tracker authentification on Zenaton
module.exports = workflow("ParallelWorkflow", function* () {
const pivotal tracker = this.connector(
'pivotal tracker',
// execute parallel tasks handled automatically by the Zenaton engine
const [a, b] = yield["TaskA"],["TaskB"]);
if (a > b) {
const response = yield pivotal tracker.get('path_to_API');
} else {
const { workflow } = require("zenaton");
// pivotal tracker authentification on Zenaton
module.exports = workflow("AsynchronousWorkflow", function* () {
const pivotal tracker = this.connector(
'pivotal tracker',
yield run.task('TaskB');
// Tasks can be automatically (or manually) retried and executions are displayed in real-time on the Zenaton dashboard.
const { workflow, duration } = require("zenaton");
// pivotal tracker authentification on Zenaton
module.exports = workflow("WaitWorkflow", function* () {
const pivotal tracker = this.connector(
'pivotal tracker',
// The 'wait function is managed by the Zenaton engine and will be executed on your worker at the right time.
yield this.wait.for(duration.days(7));
yield pivotal tracker.get('path_to_API');
const { workflow, duration } = require("zenaton");
module.exports = workflow("WaitEventWorkflow", function*() {
const pivotal tracker = this.connector(
'pivotal tracker',
// Wait for up to 24 hours for the event using the Zenaton Wait Function.
const event = yield this.wait.event("MyEvent").for(duration.hours(24));
if (event) {
// If event has been triggered within 24 hours
} else {
// else calls pivotal tracker API
yield pivotal tracker.get('path_to_API');
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