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Workflow Integrations

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D128DB4A-CD3C-4050-A2A2-40AB4794BE32Created with sketchtool.

Automate your Order Life Cycle
and Customer Journey

Extend the functionality of your ecommerce software with Zenaton workflows. Build and run integrations with custom logic and out of the box monitoring and error handling.

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Real-Time Data Synch

Extract data in the format you need it and send it to the right place. Update and Synchronize data across multiple tools - from shipping status to inventory management and customer data - every time a process is completed or changes happen.

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Automate manual processes between software tools. Create custom rules to send CSV files via email with automated reminders if an event doesn't happen.

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Hyper-Personalized Communications

Send real time emails, texts and notifications based on customer data and custom rules. Showing personalized information to shoppers based on previous history and behaviour (ie. recommended items, 'similar items', abandoned cart, ...)

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Real-time Order Status Notifications

Update order status and send notifications to customers throughout the life cycle of an order across multiple platforms: when an order has shipped, when it will be expected, if there is a problem and any other updates.

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Zenaton partners with e-commerce solutions to help merchants succeed

A Powerful Orchestration Engine
for Developers.

Use our functions to quickly define and code your steps.
We take care of distributing it at the right time.
More workflows

How it works

Install our Agent on your servers, download the Zenaton libraries and start processing jobs.

Read Documentation
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Install our open source libraries in your code. They provide an easy syntax to define, dispatch and orchestrate background jobs on your workers.

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Install our Agent and use your server as a worker to process jobs concurrently. You can also designate specific jobs on dedicated servers depending such as micro-services or cpu intensive jobs.

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Our control panels provide real-time and historic logs of your asynchronous processing, so that you understand what is actually happening on your system. Errors trigger alarms, and you can retry faulty jobs manually or automatically.